Balda Game

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Сколько времени игроку отводится на один ход
Что происходит если время на ход истекло
Как поступать со словами, которых нет в словаре
Чем больше слов в стартовом слове, тем вероятнее начать игру с длинных слов

По правилам игры уменьшительные, увеличительные, уменьшительно-ласкательные слова, и слова с ошибками (эрративы), запрещены. Запрещённые примеры: бантик, лапиша, цветочек, медвед, аффтор. Подробнее о словарях.

Обычные слова русского языка, не относящиеся к особым категорям. Эту категорию отключить нельзя.

амбал, атас, вайфу, деанон, днюха, душман

Блоггер, гаджет, ковид, лонгрид, митбол, принт, ретвит

аварийка, барахло, дохлик, канитель, самодур, чернуха, язвенник

вонючка, гемор, зашквар, отжиг, матеша, классуха

вехотка, ерник, кукан, прокуда, рамень, плица, шемела

Жопа, мудак, лох, сволота

анон, ахтунг, аккаунт, пейволл, макрос, игнор, мисклик

админ, аттач, бот, глюк, графон, дотер, клава, кемпер, лаг

барыга, закладка, ксива, маза, фуцан, чирик, шконка

кок, приход, травка, химка

ватан, едрос, колорад, ихтамнет, нашист, путинг

Wie spiele ich mit Freunden?


Create a Game

Choose a name, field size
and number of players.


Share game link

The game starts once
everyone joins.

Game rules:

  • The player's task is to create a new word from existing letters by adding one new letter.
  • Letters can be selected in any direction, but not diagonally..
  • You can't use the same word again.
  • The same cell cannot be used twice in a word.
  • The longer the word, the more points you earn: one point for each letter.
  • The player with the most points wins. The one who can't come up with a word loses.

Making a Move:

  • Select a cell on the field and insert a new letter into it.
  • Create a word by continuously pressing the letters in the order they are written. The word must include a new letter.
  • Confirm the word. If a mistake was made, cancel it.


More info:

Starting Word

The game starts with a starting word randomly chosen by the computer. If you don't like the starting word, you can change it in the Game menu.

In the additional settings when creating a game, you can also choose a game with two starting words or a short starting word.


The longer the word, the more points you'll receive. One point for each letter. If a player skips their turn, they don't earn points.

Turn Time and Penalties

By default, there is unlimited time for each turn in the game. If a player can't come up with a word, they lose, and the game ends.

In the additional settings when creating a game, you can limit the turn time and decide what happens if a player can't come up with a word within that time.


Anyone you send the link to can join as a spectator.

A spectator can watch the game and provide hints to the players.

What's This Word?

Hovering over a word shows how it was placed on the field.

Clicking on a word (on mobile) or double-clicking (on desktop) provides an explanation of the word.

Individual Settings

No Sleep

To prevent the screen of your phone, tablet, or computer from dimming or locking, enable the No Sleep function.


Sound notifications are enabled by default. You can turn them off in the top panel.


Playing at night? Enable the dark theme to protect your eyes.

Word Check

If you're unsure whether a word will be accepted, you can check it in advance.

How does it work?

Additional Features

Clicking on a word (on mobile) or double-clicking (on desktop) provides an explanation of the word.

Undo Move

In case of a dispute, the player who created the game can undo players' moves.


Chat with friends during the game.

How does it work?

Playing with AI will also be available soon, it's under development.

About Dictionaries

As a computer's vocabulary, which it uses to generate the starting word, the Efremova dictionary was used, from which only nouns were taken. Thanks to Harrix.

As a benchmark against which user-entered words are checked, <b>Wiktionary</b> is used.<br>If the word is a noun in the nominative case and singular, it can be used.<br>Also, to some extent, Wiktionary can determine whether a word is legitimate for the current game's rules: whether it is obscene and whether such slang is accepted.}
